
The apocalypse of the wise tree

Note from the writter/translator: This manuscript is probably influenced from foreign beliefs that spread through commerce. We can see this from the "tree lord", a common belief in genericanist eschatology. And so the mystical tree degenerates due to the evil of the soul, weakening the good side of the ausgabe contained in the matter. Trees are chopped and the veins of the mystical tree weakens, furthering the spread of corruption. The corruption disease (?, unclear translation) started at the deepest points of the cave system, spreading in the matter of the resources and corrupting their kvagye (A common belief in the genericatolist-treeist "heresy" is the kvagye, the evil of an item is dictated by the amount of kvagye (According to some sources it's a spiritual "soul" contained in the matter that makes reality) in it.), turning it evil. I was writing a letter to the church, as I hallucinate a horse with 7 spikes on top of his head: "You're the one we need". I trouble breathing and feel pounding on my chest, and my muscles paralyses. I am unable to move as the horse gets near to me, as I feel the matter inside of my body vibrate faster. The horse is turned to grass and falls to the ground. To the distance, screaming and are heard. I look up to the sky and see a tree with human characteristics: He has the head of a tree, with the body size of a tree but the look of a human, with it's arms resembling tree branches. The king's armies battlecries can be heard while they're crushed by it, as smaller trees start moving and help him in battle. They start advancing at the mines, where the corruption forms and a stereotypical angel with 3 horns and 3 eyes. It's forms keep changing with a pattern, they look chaotic but at the same time perfectly timed; the trees disintegrate into small particles that remove reality and create a scratch-like wound in reality that shows the void, and the stimuli of the Centre mixes in with reality, leading to an act that should've been possible in theory: reality interacting with the void. Reality collapses and I am teleported in the consciousness. I don't exist, but interact with matter; I have been punished with immortality and not being able to influence. I can only imagine. My thoughts surround me: the best ones, the worst ones and the ones I'll never forget.

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